5 Powerful Tips to Have a Secure WordPress Website

5 Powerful Tips to Have a Secure WordPress Website

WordPress is used by millions of websites worldwide, making it a prime target for hackers and malicious attacks. Putting in place robust security measures is essential. Let’s explore five practical tips to keep your WordPress site safe.

1. Keep WordPress Core, Themes, and Plugins Updated

Regularly updating the WordPress core, themes, and plugins is essential to keeping your website secure. Updates are often released by developers to address security flaws and improve functionality. By staying updated, you lower the risk of being targeted by hackers.


Recognizing WordPress Security Updates’ Importance

Outdated software is a significant factor in WordPress website hacking. Hackers aggressively take advantage of vulnerabilities in earlier WordPress core, theme, and plugin versions that are known to exist. Frequent updates provide the most recent security patches to safeguard your website and deter intruders.

How to Update WordPress Core, Themes, and Plugins Safely

WordPress core, themes, and plugins are easy to update. Simply select the Updates option from the Dashboard. From there, you can review and install updates with a few clicks. It’s crucial to update regularly and test on a staging site before applying changes to your live website to prevent compatibility issues.

2. Employ Robust and Distinct Passwords

Weak passwords seriously threaten WordPress websites and other websites. Hackers frequently employ automated tools to guess passwords and infiltrate websites without permission. To thwart their efforts, it’s vital to utilize solid and distinct passwords for all user accounts linked to your WordPress site.

The Value of Secure Passwords

Creating strong passwords is the first line of defense against unwanted access. A strong password should comprise at least 12 characters, with a mix of memorable characters, numerals, and capital and lowercase letters. Avoid using commonly used phrases or passwords that can be easily guessed, like “1234”.

Generate Random Passwords or Use Passphrases

Create random passwords using a password manager or use the passphrase approach to enhance security. For passphrases, devise a memorable phrase and convert it into a password using a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols. Ensure each user on your WordPress website has a unique password to minimize risks in case of a breach.

3. Put into use two-factor authentication (2FA)

Users that use two-factor authentication (2FA) must present two different pieces of identity, adding a degree of security. This significantly reduces unauthorized access risks, even if passwords are compromised. A standard 2FA method involves QR codes.

What is Two-Factor Authentication?

With two-factor authentication (2FA), your password and a temporary code from your smartphone or authenticator app are combined. This ensures added security, as hackers can’t access your account without both.

Two-Factor Authentication and QR Codes?

In 2FA with QR codes, users scan a QR code with their smartphone after entering their password. This code contains a unique key that generates a one-time code for login.

How to Set Up Two-Factor Authentication for WordPress

Many security plugins for WordPress support 2FA. Install and configure the plugin to prompt users to set up 2FA during login. You can also use dedicated 2FA plugins or enable it through your hosting provider’s control panel for extra security.

4. Set up a security plugin for WordPress

Plugins for WordPress security are crucial for protecting your website from online attacks. These plugins offer several functions, such as improved login security, firewall protection, and virus screening.

Benefits of Using a WordPress Security Plugin

A reliable WordPress security plugin can automatically detect and block malicious traffic, strengthen user authentication, and monitor suspicious activities. Additionally, many plugins offer real-time notifications and alerts to inform you about possible security problems.

The Features of Well-Known WordPress Security Plugins

iThemes Security, Sucuri Security, and Wordfence are popular WordPress security plugins. Each plugin offers unique features such as malware scanning, protection against brute force attacks, and website hardening. Assess your security requirements and select a plugin that meets your needs.

Website security

5. Regularly Back Up Your Website

Regular backups act as your safety net against data loss caused by hacking, server failures, or unexpected incidents. By consistently backing up your WordPress website, you can swiftly restore it to its previous state if any issues arise.

Importance of Website Backups

Backups guarantee a secure copy of your website’s data and files stored offsite. In the event of a security breach or website malfunction, you can revert your website to its previous state without losing critical content or data.

How to Set Up and Schedule Website Backups in WordPress

Many web hosting providers offer automated backup solutions as part of their services. Alternatively, utilize WordPress backup plugins to schedule regular backups and store them in remote locations like cloud storage services or FTP servers. Test your backups frequently to ensure they operate correctly and can be restored when necessary.


To prevent harmful assaults and unauthorized access, it is essential to protect your WordPress website. These five effective strategies will significantly improve the security of your WordPress website and reduce the possibility of data breaches and outages.